Saturday 5 January 2013

Freehand Bluefinch Embroidery

Woohoo! I knew calling my New Year's Resolutions 'goals' instead of 'resolutions' would pay off.  One of my 'goals' was to finish off the various craft projects I've started over the past couple of years and then abandoned.  I started a little freehand embroidery of a bluefinch (in honour of my shop, Bluefinch Boutique) in one of the very first Creatives Unite sessions way back in early 2012.  It was only a very basic outline embroidery so should have been completed in a few hours but as with so many of my projects, it got tidied up, stuffed in a carrier bag and chucked in the back of a cupboard.  There wasn't much left to do so I completed it in this week's Creatives Unite session and it now sits proudly in my bedroom, hurrah!

Even Fluffy approves...



  1. Aww, that embroidery is so cute! And so is the cat :) x

    Toad & Feather

    1. Aw, thank you :-) The combination of cat + embroidery does mean I've already had to get my lint-remover out though! x
