Friday, 31 May 2013

Lycian Jollies

I could literally talk about Turkey, and the Lycian Coast specifically, for days but will try to resist. Glyn and I had a slightly more luxurious and sedate holiday in Kalkan than usual as we were joined by my parents and stayed in a fantastic villa for 10 days. 

Highlights: Catching up with all our lovely Turkish friends, having tortoises in the garden, celebrating our friend Sarah's birthday with fireworks and sparklers, adopting lots of cats, drinking endless glasses of Turkish çay and jumping out of bed and (literally) straight into the pool. 

Low points: Getting a little burnt for the first time in 10 years (the shame!), coming home.

"Smelly", one of our villa cats
Ataturk statue in Kas
Wheelbarrow o' towels
Pretty shop and a pretty cat
I want a pink shop!
Mediterranean Blue 

Turkish Cay is the new Yorkshire Tea

Lunch under the pergola
The view from my bed

Villa cat no.2, named Teeny

My mum and dad
Sarah's amazing birthday cake
Me and Glyn
Me and my lovely mum
Do you think it's dinner time?
Flaming veggie moussaka, bit scary on a breezy evening

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